Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I live here.  This is 3 miles from my house.  My whole life, water has brought me peace.  When my life started collapsing around me 2 years ago, I escaped to this beach every day, if only for 5 minutes.  The water is numbingly cold, but brought me insight and serenity in the midst of an alcoholic existence and a failing marriage.  I'm lucky.  I'm Kathy, and I'm an alcoholic.  And I'm lucky to say that.  

I was brought up in a loving family, one of 5 kids, with two big-hearted parents who are still married, 50 years later.  There was no abuse, physical or mental.  There were no alcoholics.  There was laughter, love, tears and lots of hugs.  There still are!  So how did I end up depressed and alcoholic?  Luck.

I consider myself lucky to be an alcoholic.  I have discovered a new freedom and a new happiness.  I get group therapy at least three times a week, surrounded by loving souls who get me.  They are me.  I appreciate the little gifts presented to me every day, and I am learning to live life on life's terms.  My kids are happy.  My marriage is better than it EVER was, and I'm not afraid to live my truth any more.

I'm heading to the beach.  What a lucky girl!


  1. This brought tears to my eyes. You are an inspiration!

  2. Wow! What a great "first blog post!" I'm looking forward to more....
